Why make clothing for Little People? Is there even a market for it? Is your company inclusive? These and other questions we encounter again and again. And rightly so, because we want to start a dialogue with you and create an awareness for globally ignored topics. Such questions help us as a society and inspire ideas on ways to break taboos. Questions make the world more open and fair and we do not shy away from them. With AUF AUGENHOEHE we do not only want to make fashion for Little People, who are often marginalized, but also want to open a discourse beyond that. For example: What does inclusion actually mean for us?
What we miss in the fashion industry is a true inclusion and diversity that inspires, connects and gives courage to think differently and »be different«.
Our mission is to show the fashion industry how to include people whose body measurements deviate from common proportions and standardized measurements on an equal basis. For us, participation in the fashion world means showing solidarity above all. And this is fundamental for our future.
Our vision is to live in an inclusive and equal world – for all people. Historically, the fashion industry has always drawn boundaries, whether between genders, ethnicities or national affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, body proportions, beauty ideals or status. However, many of these separations have long since become outdated in our globalised world and so boundaries should be broken down and the status quo continuously questioned.
It is also remarkable that »inclusion« and »diversity« are increasingly becoming buzzwords that global players use for their marketing campaigns. It is important that these words do not become empty phrases and lose all meaning. Inclusion and diversity are not like fast marketing or fast fashion, not something that will end up in the trash and be forgotten. Rather, these terms should be an essential part of the DNA of our society and economy. That is why we as a company want to take part in creating true inclusion. It is important for us to establish real solidarity with our community. That is why, we work in our Berlin office every day and discuss the future of AUF AUGENHOEHE together with our Advisory Board, which we also deliberately put together with diversity in mind.
Only lived inclusion can really make social change possible. Fashion is the vehicle and instrument for changes in our society and economy. Acting in a truly inclusive way and involving people in all their diversity should not be a barrier today. We want the industry to recognize its global responsibility. On the one hand, this includes taking steps against discrimination and the violation of human rights along the entire value chain, from design to production and distribution. On the other hand, it also includes taking ecological responsibility for the creation of clothing products and not forgetting that inclusion policies are firmly integrated into the industry's own corporate structures. As an industry we should start to work together in solidarity. We also want to talk to companies and businesses that are themselves taking a new approach. We are always looking for new cooperation partners who are willing to open their doors and join us in shaking up the fashion industry. This way we can create synergies and achieve more together.
Making the impossible possible. This is what we are working for every day, to create social added value. With AUF AUGENHOEHE we are taking new ways as a label and combining social responsibility, design, technological advantage, changing the status quo, diversity and sustainability. We would like to thank everyone who supports us. No matter if with their personal skills in the Advisory Board or by a purchase in our online shop. And if you want to share an idea with us, just write to hello@aufaugenhoehe.design!